
Exceptional chicken - mushrooms salad recipe. A quick to prepare, could be served as a main course or a side dish.


- chicken - 1 kg

- white mushrooms - 1 kg

- lemon juice - 1/2

- salt

- black peper

- ordinary salt mayonnaise - 500 grams

- 1/2 cup freshly choped parsley


Bake the chicken in sauce pan in the oven.Cool it. Remove the skin and bones and cut it into peaces ( 2-3 cm each . Cut the white mushrooms into smal peaces (2 03 cm each) and fry it in the pan where the chicken was baked, using the remaining fat (or add some oil if necessary), for 4-5 minutes. Drain the mushrooms for 10 minutes . Put the chicken and mushrooms into a bowl , add half kilo of ordinary, salt mayonnaise, lemon juice salt and peper and mix it. Let it sit in refrigerator for half a day. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley before serving with any sort of black bread.

Serves 8


Unknown said...

this is awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Jahhh !!!! wonderful :)

Anonymous said...

tina, bravo!!
ovo izgleda sjajno!

Cica said...

Ovo sto se vidi na slikama i sto pise u receptu,
izgleda fenomenalno! Uskoro cu praviti!

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